Getting Started with Vite.js

Certainly! Here's a basic guide to getting started with Vite.js:

  1. Installation: To start using Vite, you need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. If you don't have them installed, you can download and install them from the official Node.js website:

    Once you have Node.js and npm installed, you can create a new project folder and navigate to it using your terminal or command prompt.

    To create a new Vite project, run the following command:

     npm init vite@latest

    This will prompt you to enter a project name and select a framework (Vue, React, or "vanilla" JavaScript). Choose the appropriate options based on your preferences.

  2. Project Setup: After the project is initialized, navigate into the project folder using the command:

     cd your-project-name
  3. Installing Dependencies: Next, you'll need to install the project dependencies using npm:

     npm install
  4. Development Server: Vite includes a development server that you can start using the following command:

     npm run dev

    This will start the development server, and you'll see output in the terminal indicating that the server is running and serving your project. By default, the server will run on http://localhost:3000.

  5. Creating Components and Code: Depending on the framework you chose during project initialization, you can start writing your components and code in the appropriate folders. For Vue.js, you'll find the main app file in src/main.js.

  6. Viewing Your App: Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. You should see your application running. As you make changes to your code, the development server will automatically update the browser without full page reloads.

Remember that this is just a basic guide to get you started. Vite's official documentation provides more in-depth information on its features, configuration, and advanced usage. You can refer to the official documentation for detailed information and examples: