Must Have Visual Studio Extensions for React Developers
ESLint: Linting tool for JavaScript and TypeScript, ensures code consistency and helps catch errors early. Extension Link: ESLint
Prettier: Code formatter that maintains consistent code style across your projects. Extension Link: Prettier
React Native Tools: Enhances React Native development with features like IntelliSense, debugging, and more. Extension Link: React Native Tools
Auto Import: Automatically adds import statements for React components and other modules. Extension Link: Auto Import
Debugger for Chrome: Enables debugging of JavaScript code running in Google Chrome. Extension Link: Debugger for Chrome
Styled Components: Syntax highlighting and IntelliSense support for styled-components. Extension Link: Styled Components
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2: Colorizes matching brackets for easier code navigation. Extension Link: Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
GitLens: Enhances Git integration with code annotations, commit details, and more. Extension Link: GitLens
Path Intellisense: Autocompletes filenames in import statements, making path handling easier. Extension Link: Path Intellisense
Better Comments: Highlights and categorizes comments for better code organization and understanding. Extension Link: Better Comments
Code Spell Checker: Detects and highlights spelling mistakes within your code. Extension Link: Code Spell Checker
React Extension Pack: A collection of extensions specifically curated for React development. Extension Link: React Extension Pack
CSS Modules: Provides IntelliSense and highlighting for CSS Modules in your JavaScript and TypeScript code. Extension Link: CSS Modules
npm Intellisense: Autocompletes npm modules in import statements based on package.json dependencies. Extension Link: npm Intellisense
React Refactor: Offers tools for refactoring React components, making code maintenance easier. Extension Link: React Refactor